
Lies, damn lies and statistics

Tikanga Data

A language can say a lot about a culture. All words are made up, therefore the things and ideas that have evolved to have their own words can provide some insight to the nature of a society.

"Tikanga is an inner form of life that manifests itself in one’s conduct. Good intention is embodied in character traits so the philosophy is neither pragmatism nor materialism - it's the character of a person which is given a primary place in virtue ethics." - Piripi Whaanaga. Related to Tikanga is the concept of Manaaki - which is derived from the word ‘mana’ (prestige) and the word to encourage ‘aki.’ Thus an important component of restoring balance is encouraging or building up mana.

This seems like a good place to start for an ethics framework for data.

Model Driven Generation

Where is the truth of an organisation? Many programmers would say that the truth is in the code as this is what is actually running the organisation. The code is in effect a realization of business demand and therefore the truth of what an organisation actually is can be found within.

I think that while somewhat accurate, it is a little 'ambulance at the bottom of the cliff' thinking and we should rather strive to be declarative in what the organisation is. Also, assuming we buy for commodity then the view is obscured and incomplete. The declaration of a business is best done via modelling as the related views can inform and align everyone from board to developers.

Empowerment. Bollocks.

I must be getting too old for this shit dear reader, and my deteriorating brain must not be able to appreciate the magnificence that is modern corporate IT. Despite my galloping senility, I shall attempt to marshal my outdated thinking on why we often feel like hamsters in a wheel, destined to never actually get anywhere but with ever increasing demand to go faster.

Architecture Rant

One must occasionally rant. And when that cathartic wave has crashed and some of the built up cynicism washed away, hopefully the receding waters leave a perspective for a pragmatic path forward.

Enterprise architectures should represent the very best of what we can and should strive for, encourage the business and staff to reach higher and push us to see beyond the boundaries and limitations of the current landscape. I guess what it comes down to is that there's good IT and bad IT and we have become overwhelmed by a sales machine - both internal and external, which advertises one but actually delivers the other. Its not a matter of subscribing to the latest method, programme or ethos - it's about understanding the subtle idiosyncrasies and the sympathetic treatment of people, process and technology. Leaning into the complex problems, and sometimes having the courage and integrity to defend work which doesn't have an immediate payoff.