
Lies, damn lies and statistics

Entries for tag "rant"

Enterprise Anarchy

Now, I'm not quite sure if that's a click batey title or not. I guess I see it as subverting expectations, because you see dear reader, I'll be arguing for the proposition that anarchy is a good model of operating IT in a large enterprise.

Bollocks! I hear you roar, or possibly chuckle to yourself if I'm not engaging in hyperbole. But none the less, I expect that you think it's a case of another architect, up in their ivory tower smelling their own farts.

Now, lets see if I can extricate myself from this hole that I've dug shall we?

The forgotton question mark

Ya know, I love me a question mark. The elegant sickle like curve and dangling dot, those little paired words of how? and why? It's much nicer than a full stop (or period for my American colleagues). Why do architects seem to prefer the latter?

There is a Proof of Concept below the rant - I beg your indulgence dear reader. The PoC uses Kafka and python to transfer files based on the argument laid out below. The GitHub project is here: mft-kafka

PoC, PoC, PoC, Production

The hint is in the name people. Proof of Concept. Why is this so difficult to understand? The point of a PoC is to show that a thing can be done, not how a thing can be done. I.e. we don't know something but we have an idea - awesome, I'm here to help. Where I seem to part ways is when the PoC plans to deliver best practice architecture, continuous delivery and push the code & pipelines into production.

Empowerment. Bollocks.

I must be getting too old for this shit dear reader, and my deteriorating brain must not be able to appreciate the magnificence that is modern corporate IT. Despite my galloping senility, I shall attempt to marshal my outdated thinking on why we often feel like hamsters in a wheel, destined to never actually get anywhere but with ever increasing demand to go faster.